To provide efficient, effective and sustained management that will allow the BJCMNP to meet its mission and goals.
Strategic Approach:
Governance from policy through to operations is necessary for the management of any activity or resources, particularly in the case of natural and cultural heritage, which have multiple stakeholders. As such, collaboration, and the involvement of stakeholders is a critical component in the management of the BJCMNP. In addition, appropriate and functioning administrative systems must be in place. This programme will seek to ensure the efficient and effective management of the park and to engender support to ensure a sustained approach to park management.
Key Activities
- Coordinate management at the policy level through establishment of a Park Advisory Committee comprising of key public, private sector and community stakeholders who will meet twice a year.
- Coordinate management at the operations level through regular meetings of the Co-Management Committee (management partners as per relevant agreements).
- Seek short and long-term funding for park management through grant funding, government subvention, donations, sponsorship and income generation through opportunities provided by the Recreation and Tourism Programme and other ventures.
- Provide supervision, project management, financial management and administrative support for the park’s programmes.
- Ensure adaptive management through monitoring and evaluation of all programmes.
Monitoring: level of stakeholder involvement, funding, forest and wildlife status.
Budget: 2017/18
Recurrent: J$13.2 million (US$101,846)
Capital: JA$100,000 (US$767)
10 Year Budget: (2017 - 2027)
Recurrent: JA$191.8 million (US$1.4 million)
Capital: J$16 million (US$119,494)
N.B.: Annual Prog. cost about 30% Progs. Total