To preserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage associated with the Blue and John Crow Mountains in particular that of the Windward Maroons.
Strategic Approach:
Work with the Maroon Councils, Jamaica National Heritage Trust, African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica & other organizations to:-
- Facilitate the conservation of the tangible cultural heritage e.g. trails, Nanny Town site;
- Facilitate the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage through development and implementation of appropriate strategies including the Blue Mountains Sustainable Tourism Programme;
- Promotion of awareness and appreciation of the oral and intangible heritage through festivals, education and tourism;
- Promotion and facilitation of research that will aid in the preservation of cultural heritage.
Key Activities
- Develop guidelines for conservation of natural and cultural heritage on trails
- Assist in refining guidelines for work at archaeological sites in the BJCMNP
- Assist in preparation and implementation of plans for trail development and use.
- Monitor trails during enforcement patrols
- Meetings for planning and monitoring of strategies
- Blue Mountains Sustainable Tourism Programme
- Education Programmes for schools and Interpretive Programmes associated with tourism
- Promotion of research through the research prospectus and linkages with relevant organizations
- Facilitation of research
- Use of information from research to guide preservation
Budget: 2017/18
Recurrent: J$335,000 (US$2,577)
Capital: J$5.2 million (US$40,385)
10 Year Budget: (2017 - 2027)
Recurrent: J$37 million (US$271,130)
Capital: J$38 million (US$282,914)