Friend of the Blue Mountains

Friends of the Blue Mountains

Friends of the Blue Mountains

The Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park and World Heritage Site is managed by the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT), a registered charity. The JCDT is part-funded by the Government of Jamaica (less than 30% of budget) and relies mostly on grants and donations to finance the National Park's management programmes including forest restoration, invasive species control, trail and recreational site maintenance along with public education and facilitating sustainable livelihoods in buffer zone communities. The recurrent budget was independently assessed in 2009 at US$500,000 for basic and US$600,000 for ideal.

The Friends of the Blue Mountains programme is an opportunity for you to contribute to the management and maintenance of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park and World Heritage Site. Contributions are tax deductible. Friends of the Blue Mountains are encouraged to make annual contributions using the following tiers:-

Individual JA$7,500.00 Annual Pass - Holywell (1), FBM T-shirt & Holywell Key-ring
Student JA$3,000.00 FBM T-shirt & Holywell Key-ring
Agate JA$50,000.00 Plaque, Annual Pass - Holywell (2), Newsletter Listing
Malachite JA$100,000.00 Plaque, Annual Pass - Holywell (3), Newsletter Listing, Social Media
Jade JA$250,000.00 Plaque, Annual Pass - Holywell (4), Newsletter Listing, Social Media
Emerald JA$500,000.00 Plaque, Annual Pass - Holywell (8), Newsletter Article, Social & Traditional Media, Listed on Plaque at Holywell
Bahia Emerald JA$1,000,000.00 Plaque, Annual Pass - Holywell (10), Guided Tour for up to 30, Newsletter Article, Social & Traditional Media, Plaque at Holywell
Donation   Donation without membership.

Complimentary JCDT membership is extended to Individual-Friends of the Blue Mountains. JCDT members participate in the decision-making activities that guide the work of the Trust.

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JCDT | Protecting & Preserving Our Future

The JCDT appreciates the involvement and support of our Partners, Donors, and Sponsors
  • NEPA
  • Forestry Department
  • Jamaica National Heritage Trust
  • Environmental Foundation of Jamaica
  • Forest Conservation Trust
  • Pear Tree Press
  • Jamaica energy Partners